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Understand the characteristics of shoe-making machinery and equipment
Posted : 2017-07-15  Browse : ´Î

1. Use the steam spray device, first spray the upper, and then quickly heated and dry. And then by the vacuum stereotypes massage uppers.
2. The temperature settings of various parts, according to the toe, heel, different materials to adjust the different temperature, so that after treatment of the shoes were streamlined state, the appearance of perfect, better shape.
3. The use of vacuum stereotypes, so that the upper and last anastomosis. No adjustment of the processing time of each section, so that the quality of the shoes to deal with better.
4. The use of rotary cycle conveyor belt, save time, improve productivity and stability of product quality.
5. The use of rail-type rolling and rolling transmission mode, is conducive to improving the stability of the machine and the product life, but also reduces the machine damage costs.
6. The use of sealed heating, is conducive to stabilize the processing box of the constant temperature effect, reduce heat loss to save electricity, reduce production costs.
7. The use of rotary cycle delivery, save shoe last, reduce manufacturing costs.

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